Photo by John Paul Summers on Unsplash

Three Poems by Me

Casey Cantrell
1 min readJan 30, 2021


These poems were originally published in Issue 4 of Orange Blush Zine. Go give it a read.

On the Wire

she’s fervent
like a hissing wire
like a cut wire
lashing its current

the birds sing
too-weet too-weet
perched in their rows
like choirs

how i wish i could
grasp like they do
conducting so sweetly
their electric lines


You rise a dawn from the treetops
Clutching the horizon like a caress
And blazing the woods white and gold

I could watch your light forever
Engulf me, Wildfire
And make me your fire, too

black hole


condense creation
to a point
and time ceases

like two voices
trailing off
in the dark


with enough mass
physics turn abstract

neutrons crack
and collapse
into each other

and the universe follows


i remember one night
i woke up

by a music
that had no sound

the notes
into one

like jazz
keeping time
when time
has ceased


and how could i sleep without telling you
about this impossible music
how it played
at the thought of you


slipping past

the event horizon

